Yourattorney welcomes you to his office atBrusselswhen you have to appear before thepolice courtand you risk aforfeiture of the right to drive (withdrawal of licence).
Being faced with a disqualification from driving can be very disabling both personally and professionally.
Aimmediate withdrawal of driving licensemay be ordered by the Public Prosecutor before your appearance before the police court.
This immediate withdrawal period will be deducted from the duration of the forfeiture of the right to drive which will then possibly be imposed on you by the police court.
Your lawyer will inform you of the possibility of avoiding adisqualification from drivingand will make every effort to reduce its duration if necessary.
If your driving license is absolutely essential for you to work or to get to your place of work, your lawyer may requestexecution of your forfeiture during the weekendsby preparing with you a solid document file in support of this request.
If you are driving when you are notnot have a driver's licensewhere you have beenchecked at the wheel of your vehicle while you were deprived of the right to drive, the penalties can be very severe: fine, withdrawal of license for a long period, even a prison sentence.
Contactwithout delay your lawyerBeLaw Brusselsfor the best advice on this.